Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Opreation Dagsværk at RG.

So yesterday, at my college we had a quite special school day. A danish organization, called Operation Dagsværk. Was at our college. They showed us, a short movie about young teens, in Iraq and some from Afghanistan. Young people, trying to take an education, but wasn't allowed because of either their culture or beliefs. But they all had one thing in commend. They just wanted freedom. Freedom to speak, and freedom to have a dream. After we watched the movie, we got spread to different workshops. The one, i had chosen with some of my friends, was called Journalism. Were we had to go around, and take pictures of only,  one workshop. We then chose the one with sports. 
And i just thought that i could show you some, of the pictures i took. 
Operation Dagsværk is were, every year tens of thousands of danish high-school students give a day of their education, in order to raise founds for an education project in the developing world. 
They do everything, in their power to try and change the image we have of people in Iraq, or in Afghanistan for example. I think, that the hole day was a really good concept. And it really made me think about how lucky i am. Not just about, the things i have, but that i can take a good education. 
Feel free to go, and check out their website:

Just thought that i would, share with you guys about this awesome organization! 

Lots of love
Victoria Weaver. 

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