Sunday, 18 November 2012

Lee Stafford - hair growth treatment review

About 4-5 months ago, i was in England were i picked up the Lee Stafford hair growth treatment. 
I really just wanted to see if it worked, since i am trying to grow my hair a bit longer. Now it is used up, and i would like to share my thoughts about this product. 

The good. 
I have used this product every time i have taken a shower. After my hair being washed with this product in between shampoo and balsam, it has been SO easy to handle. It leaves my hair smelling
wonderful and fresh, and it makes it shine a hole lot more, than before. Not just that, but also that i could after 2 weeks feel such a difference! My hair began to look and feel better. Much stronger!
Then i began to notice how i grew, very slowly - but at least something happened. 

The bad. 
It makes your hair easily greasy, which really is not nice.
It cost a lot here in Denmark, about 120 kroner.
That is pretty much it. 

All in all, it is a good product.
It makes a difference, smells good and makes it grow more than any other product that i have ever used.
Even though it does makes your hair easily greasy, which i think is a big minus, I would still by it again.
I really enjoyed using it very much! 


  1. Du har en fed blog, og stor respekt til at du skriver på engelsk! :-)
    Det ville tage mig 100 år + en krig, så du må virkelig elske det sprog!
    Kig gerne forbi min blog, måske kunne vi følges? - Er i hvert fald blevet fastlæser af dig nu!

    Mia - ♥

    1. Tak for det, det varmer en del!
      Ja, følges vil jeg gerne!
