Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Christmas, New years and all in between.

So time has gone really fast lately, and i haven't really been active on the blogging part.. But i am back, with news and an update of what has been happening the last few weeks (apart from school). 
So to start of with, i spent my Christmas with my dad and his girlfriend - Liz. It was so amazing! I loved every single minute of it.  I don't see them both very often, since we live in 2 different countries. 
Christmas eve, we went to my Grand and Granddads, where my uncle came and my granddads sister. We had dinner, then we had desert followed by presents (sort of like a danish Christmas) - it was really lovely. The next day, which was Christmas day. We woke up, opened presents, got ready and went home to Liz's family to have our Christmas meal - SO delicious! Then there was more presents to be shared around, and we just had a nice and peaceful evening. I really had i lovely time with her family, since they are a very welcoming. Boxing day, we went home to my Grand and Granddads, where we had the cold table, a danish tradition. It was wonderful, more food, more laughing and more lovely family time ♥ 
New years i spent in Denmark. I had some friends over, where we had some good food and in total a very quiet and lovely evening,

Here are some pictures of my Christmas in the UK and everything in between. 


P.s I have a little haul coming up, with some of my favorite Christmas presents and stuff i have bought and so on. 

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